Sunday, January 10, 2010

I am restless...

It's 75 degrees outside. Sunshine, blue sky, such a beautiful winter day (well, considering the temperature, I am not sure if it qualifies as a winter day).

I am sitting in the poorly lit study room, typing away my last set of essays. Oh I hate to be inside on such a nice day!

It's finally coming to an end, this strenuous essay writing process that seemed to last forever. After Jan 18th, I will be done and I just can't wait for that day to come!

Last week as I was driving down the scenic route (to avoid traffic) to my MIT interview, I couldn't help but notice the beauty around me. The gorgeous canyons, the blueish green ocean, the golden beach and the birds flying along the water. I know I am really going to miss all of this when I finally have to pack up and head to a different city. It was at that moment, driving through the canyons with breathtaking views, that I realized that I have taken all this city has given to me for granted for so long. There was a saying from a TV show that I recently saw, "so many of us focus so much on the goal ahead of us that we forget what's important is right next to us". So I made a mental note that I am going to start appreciating the wonderful people and things around me and make the most of my life here for the rest of my time before bschool. After all, this city has really become my 2nd hometown.


  1. DreamChaser,
    Glad to hear your Sloan interview went well. As I was driving from Tahoe to San Francisco today, I also was thinking about what choices Feb 1 decision might bring. Good luck with the waiting game :).

  2. Best of luck to you too mba_hopeful! Let's hope we both make it to the wonderful bean town! :)

  3. Dear DreamChaser,

    My name is Alon Karmiel and I am Chicago GSB alum. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions regarding your blog. I was wondering if you could send me your contact information to so we will be able to chat.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you,


  4. you know I've been thinking along the same lines recently. Although it was bitter cold last week here in NJ, I have found some sweet pleasures that I've been ignoring during the past 10 months (my MBA application months). Anyways, great to learn that your essays-writing-life will finally be over. All the very best!!
